David Antliff <david.antl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> > It may be a 64-bit issue, so I'll try a 32-bit machine, if I can
>> > scrounge one up.
>> We are using WinXP 32-bit and have not seen this problem (yet). It
>> would be really helpful (to me at least) to know whether you can
>> reproduce the issue with 32-bit Windows...
>> I imagine there are a fair number of people using git in Cygwin
>> because the Windows alternatives (msys, etc) do not provide a
>> POSIX-like toolchain environment. Using Cygwin also allows scripts
>> around git to operate on Linux with no modifications. That is why we
>> use Cygwin anyway, and Cygwin + git is very important to us, FWIW.

I just tried 32-bit Windows XP Pro.  I upgraded from 1.5.25 and
installed git (it wasn't previously on that machine).  Failed the same


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