Dave wrote:

> Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

>> On 12/28/2009 06:23 PM, Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

>>> Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

>>>> Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

>>>>> Are you running Vista 64bit? If not, I suspect the registry keys set in
>>>>> Vista 64 are not correct as set by 'chere'.

>>>> No, actually I'm not, so if you're sure it's a Vista 64bit thing, then
>>>> that narrows the focus and those affected. The closest I have is
>>>> Windows 7 x64 but I can't experiment at the moment with it since
>>>> it requires a reboot.

>>> I had no problems with Vista 32 bit, that's my only evidence.
>> OK, I've installed Cygwin 1.7.1 on a Windows 7 x64 system.  The
>> system didn't have a previous version of Cygwin.  I installed just
>> the default packages plus "chere".  Once the installation was done,
>> I invoked 'chere -i' from a command prompt started as Administrator
>> and running 'bash -li'.  The configuration of "chere" succeeded
>> and I found "Bash Prompt Here" was available in the context menu
>> for directories.  I find the same is true on Windows 7 x86.  So I
>> guess this isn't allot of help beyond the information that this does
>> work on systems running Windows 7.  Perhaps someone with Vista
>> x64 will be able to answer your original question.

> It's been a while since I've had to look at chere. Bottom line - there
> haven't been any previous reports of failures on Vista 64 bit (and I
> don't have a 64-bit system available to me).

How many of these?:

 * Vista, 64 bit
 * Root not at c:\Cygwin
 * Mintty is terminal
 * Bash is shell
 * Not in any way using 'Cygin.bat' as the "invoker"

> Can you provide the output of `chere -r`, and the chere command you've
> run most recently. That'll allow me to diagnose what it's tried to do.


Since, I had uninstalled 'chere', I reinstalled it, Bash run as

$ chere -i -a -n -e "Mintty Bash" -t mintty -o \
 "--icon=c:\_0\cygicons-hippo-vista-0.dll,10 -"

> Also, do you know where the " Shell defaulting to bash defined for lr"
> is coming from?

The '-' at the end of the argument to '-o' tells 'mintty' to use
the login shell. which for 'lr' is 'bash'. Since you seem to be
implying that the quote is not coming from 'chere', I infer that
somehow it's coming from 'mintty'? Perhaps, 'bash'?

Note that once again, the Windows menu item comes up:

If you're out of ideas, might you give me some clues to look for
bad keys in the registry?

> Dave
> chere maintainer.

Thanks for your help.

chere version 1.1
run.exe is available at C:\_0\bin\run.exe

--- ash keys ---

--- bash keys ---
Directory menu item (all users)
Mintty Bash

Directory command (all users)
C:\_0\bin\mintty.exe --icon=c:\_0\cygicons-hippo-vista-0.dll,10 - -e /bin/xhere 
/bin/bash.exe "%L"

Drive menu item (all users)
Mintty Bash

Drive command (all users)
C:\_0\bin\mintty.exe --icon=c:\_0\cygicons-hippo-vista-0.dll,10 - -e /bin/xhere 
/bin/bash.exe "%L"

Uninstall description
Cygwin Bash Prompt Here

Uninstall command
C:\_0\bin\sh -c "/bin/chere -u -s bash"

--- cmd keys ---

--- pdksh keys ---

--- posh keys ---

--- tcsh keys ---

--- zsh keys ---

--- passwd keys ---

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