Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

> On 12/31/2009 08:40 AM, Sergey Ivanov wrote:

>> After installing new major release of cygwin i obtained bsod
>> Bad_pool_Header on the stage post-installing. As usual i installed
>> everything (full installation).
>> Is it possible to check which package wrong?

> BSOD happens as a result of kernel/driver flaws.  Cygwin packages are
> applications, not kernel/driver code.  While it's possible an application
> may "tickle" the kernel bug, the bug cannot be resolved in or localized
> to a particular app.  If the info from the BSOD doesn't point you to a
> failing driver or area of the O/S, make sure your O/S is up-to-date
> with patches and that you're running the latest drivers for your hardware.

Sergey, what OS and PC/Model are you running?

For the first time ever, with Vista 32b or 64b, I had a BSOD on a
Gateway (AMD Phenom 9550 64b Quad-Core, 6GB DDR2) Vista 64b,
about three weeks ago, due to an alleged "possible" USB driver
error. (In my case, clearly NOT due to Cygwin "tickling" or "not
tickling" anything.)

Couldn't find updated USB drivers, anywhere. Did find new screen
controller (ATI3450) driver and manager, eventually; installed
those. Also noticed that a Vista update had deactivated my SD
card reader which although internal, is somehow on the USB chain.
Haven't had any more BSODs.

I wonder if a new Vista update has somehow exposed a driver
problem that didn't previously rear its ugly head.

My conclusion is I still don't know what the problem is, but I'm
reasonably clear the solution is Mac. ;-) (Everybody around me
uses Macs. The problems there have mostly to do with hard disk

In the mean time, I have to buy an external SD card reader.


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