I just updated to cygwin1.7.1 this morning.
When I launched cygwin.bat even with after having removed .bash_profile,
the arrow pad doesn't work, neigher the delete key.

I have mksnt installed in my Path and have the following warning when I
launch the cygwin shortcup on my desktop : 

cygwin warning:
  MS-DOS style path detected: C:\PROGRA~1\mksnt\usr\lib\terminfo
  Preferred POSIX equivalent is:
  CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this
  Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:

What's wrong ? I have removed cygwin completely, reinstalled and
rebooted. I just installed the default packages.

Can anybody help me? 

Daniel Weil

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Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

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