On 2010-01-05 13:03Z, t...@xxxxxx.demon.co.uk wrote:
> I have previously used Cygwin 1.5 successfully, but thought I should
> report a possible issue with the newer 1.7.1 version.
> My XP workstation blue screens reliably when doing the final steps of the
> Cygwin 1.7.1 installation somewhere in the /etc/postinstall/*.sh scripts.
> The blue screen indicates the problem is with ibmfilter.sys and upon
> rebooting, Microsoft suggests that the fault lies with the Lenovo Rescue
> and Recovery application and that page leads to an update. However, whilst
> the ibmfilter.sys driver may be somewhat fragile there is a chance that
> Cygwin is triggering the fault by doing something odd.

Your cygcheck output contains:

| Warning: There are multiple cygwin1.dlls on your path
| Potential app conflicts:
| ZoneAlarm Personal Firewall
| Detected: HKLM Registry Key.

so you probably ought to resolve those issues first.

Google shows that 'ibmfilter.sys' causes BSODs with many applications.
As a workaround, you might try rebooting into "safe mode" (to prevent
that driver from loading), then running the postinstall scripts in
that environment.

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