Rance Hall sent the following at Tuesday, January 05, 2010 10:13 AM
>I'm running cygwin 1.7.x and I've been pretty faithful with running
>setup again when updates are announced.
>I've noticed that setup remembers almost all the answers from the
>previous run, so if you are just doing an update you should be able to
>just "NEXT" through it.
>The very last page of the setup includes options of creating
>desktop/quicklaunch shortcuts.
>Because I run mintty I chose not to have the basic cygwin shell prompt
>on my desktop. Setup seems unable to remember what my choice was each
>time I run setup.
>I think this is undesired behavior. If you are running a desktop icon
>the setup process shouldn't make a second one.
>I couldn't find a place where this data might be stored so, my
>conclusion was either its not stored at all, or I'm just plain wrong.
>On the chance I'm right: I'd like to see the defaults change to "OFF"
>unless its a "first" install and there is no sub structure (ie no /etc,
>/var, /bin, .....)
>On the chance I'm wrong and the data in question is stored, can setup
>respect previous entries?

You can run setup wuith the -n option.
See http://cygwin.com/faq/faq-nochunks.html#faq.setup.cli

- Barry
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