Am 19.01.2010 06:52, schrieb David Smiley
> Greetings folks.  
> I have been fed-up with the default GUI shell on Cygwin, being used to the
> great Terminal that comes with Mac OS X.  Some googling around uncovered
> that I should try "rxvt".  My experience with rxvt is pretty good, after
> reading online some basic configuration tips.  But unfortunately I've come
> across a deal-breaker and I'm not sure exactly what the culprit is.  If I
> run a java program from rxvt and control-C it (i.e. SIGINT) then it seems to
> kill -9 it instead of letting the program catch the signal to terminate.  I
> found a quickie Java code sample online that anyone can quickly compile and
> try for themselves:    
> save to then type "javac CtrlC" then "java -cp . CtrlC"   and
> then hit ctrl-c.  It works properly in Cygwin's default GUI shell but not
> rxvt.
> I *did* try searching the lists but didn't really find a resolution.

Please install mintty (via Cygwin setup).

AFAIK, rxvt is deprecated.

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