On 27/01/2010 13:34, Jason Tishler wrote:
I prefer the above approach.  However, what happens if 2.7 is released
during the 2.5 to 2.6 transition period?

2.7 is currently holding at alpha2. The 2.7 release schedule[1] shows that 2.7 final is due in June, and even if it's on time, it could be months before most software is ready for 2.7 and even longer before anything actually *needs* it. I doubt most distros will make it the default 2.x version until 2011, so I still think 2.6 is the way to go right now.

I would like to avoid supporting multiple 2.x packages simultaneously.

Fair enough, especially as 2.7 is due to be the last version of the 2.x series.

OK, but what do you mean by "the -devel package is required"?  After
reading the patch, I think you mean the binutils package.  Please

You are correct that binutils becomes a dependency of python. What I meant to say is that, e.g. as is done in PyOpenGL, ctypes.util.find_library('GL') will require /usr/lib/libGL.dll.a to be installed, meaning that libGL-devel (which already requires: libGL1) will be in python-opengl's requires:. I understand this might sound strange at first, but if you look at the Linux code in ctypes/util.py, not only do you need the -devel package and binutils, but gcc (!) as well.

If the binutils dependency bothers you for python as a whole, you could always split out python-ctypes into a separate binary package. You will see that my .cygport files do that for the test modules (as they are generally not needed for normal operation), Tkinter (as the Ports version uses *NIX/X11 Tcl/Tk, which adds several deps not needed by the rest of Python), and Idle (which depends on Tkinter).


[1] http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0373/

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