On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 09:12:00AM -0500, Thomas Baker wrote:

> The problem is that since the upgrade to Cygwin 1.7, the fetchmail
> on my _desktop_ computer no longer passes the incoming messages to the
> MDA procmail.  Each incoming message, retrieved with POP3, is saved
> undelivered as an individual file in /var/spool/mail/tbaker, e.g.:
>       /var/spool/mail/tbaker/msg.AdZ
>       /var/spool/mail/tbaker/msg.IdE ...
> On the ASUS netbook, the procmail.log confirms delivery of the messages.
> On the desktop machine, the procmail.log is not written
> to at all, which I take to mean that procmail is not even being executed.

What does the fetchmail log say? "fetchmail: MDA open failed"?

> These are single-user machines, so I have administrative privileges

You're crazy :-)

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