I have had the following anomaly since before the official release of 1.7, but 
using the beta version of 1.7.

I don't think it's a major problem, but somewhere a database type inconsistency.

Whenever I run "setup" the "view" always shows me the following two packages as 
being needed to install.  I select to install them.  Installing them seems to 

glib 1.2.10-10 bin? [x] src[ ]  glib ..funct lib (1.2 sources
gtk+ 1.2.10-10 bin? [x] src[ ]  gtk+ ....gui lib (1.2 sources)

But, whenever I run "setup" again the same pair of files come up.  Note also 
that the x'd box [x] is in the "binary" column" , but the description specifies 

Thanks for any input to get this corrected.


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