On 3/21/10, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) <yselkow...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> On 2010-03-21 13:06, mike marchywka wrote:
>> I'm trying to build QT webkit on cygwin and running into
>> all kinds of confusions over char and wide char- it compiled right
>> away on debian. I'm not entirely sure this is an issue with cygwin as much
>> as this project and something stupid I'm missing
>> but I'll see what kind of response I get here as maybe someone else
>> has built this on cygwin :)
> Qt4 is already in the distro:
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree-announce/2009-12/msg00003.html

> A number of patches are necessary, and these are included in the source
> package or from Ports SVN:
> http://cygwin-ports.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/cygwin-ports/ports/trunk/kde/qt4/

oh, I'm actually trying to build something called wkhtmtopdf
and maybe reading old instructions.

>> First, there were some issues with windoze calls that can either
>> end in "A" or "W" for ascii and wide char params. These were
>> easy to fix.
> Looks like you're trying to build a Win32 version of Qt4; the Cygwin Qt4
> package is *NIX/X11 based.
>> That looked like it was fine until I ran into this, a bunch of
>> ambig overloads based on confusion with uint and ushort
> Are you trying to build for cygwin 1.5?  There were a number of issues
> with the integer types that are now fixed in 1.7.

I get this from cygcheck -s, looks like 1.5?

cygport                         0.4.4-1
cygrunsrv                       1.34-1
cygutils                        1.3.4-1
cygwin                          1.5.25-15
cygwin-doc                      1.4-4
cygwin-x-doc                    1.1.0-1

> Yaakov
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note new address 2009-12-16:
Mike Marchywka
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