On 2010.03.31 10:21, Gary . wrote:
I have a new cygwin installation on which I have also installed
emacs. I have an older installation in which I also have emacs
installed. On the newer install I don't appear to have any info
pages for emacs, but do on the older one (I think, I can't
actually check right now). Why would I not have them, and how can
I get them? One difference is that the new installation has
emacs-nox whereas the older one has emacs-X11 (although I
actually only ever use it from the console, I don't use X).

Oh. C-h i in emacs shows the info page *confuzzed*

Tip from my NOTE file for native Emacs under Windows:

** Setup INFOPATH.

To browse info file inside Emacs set INFOPATH like this:


for MinGW or


for Cygwin.

Note that last colon symbol is essential for include also Emacs info to list.

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