> -----Original Message-----
> From: wefwef wefwef
> Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 8:59
> Subject: minimal installation
> I am trying to do a minimal cygwin install plus vi, ssh, 7z, 
> ping, and rsync.
> The reason it has to be minimal is that I want to deploy it 
> to several pc's that don't have internet access - and are in 
> a different country (ie slow transfer) - to deploy the full 
> 500mb default would be too slow.
> I have tried installing only base plus the packages mentioned 
> by setting all categories to uninstall and then setting base 
> to default.

Those procedures seem overly complicated.

Hmm, do the machines have Cygwin on them and this is an upgrade or is this a
fresh install.

No previous cygwin case:
Run Setup.exe
Leave all on default except the chosen packages. Install... Done.

Previous cygwin installed case:
Remove cygwin.
Run Setup.exe
Leave all on default except the chosen packages. Install... Done.

Special case cygwin installed with packages user wants to keep:
User runs setup.exe (on user's time)
Changes no options (upgrades all installed cygwin)
Run Setup.exe
Leave all as is except the chosen packages (if not installed). Install... Done.

> Then switching to full view, and selecting the extra 
> packages. I deployed this to one of my remote pc's, and 
> installed from the local directory. I noticed that at this 
> point even when I selected Install at the top to get a full 
> install from the local directory, it still left out the extra 
> packages, and I have to change these by hand from skip to the 
> version number.
> When it was all installed, I tried running ssh and got the error
> message: error while loading shared libraries: cygssp-0.dll: 
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
> I suspect what has happened is that cygwin has got confused 
> about what packages I already have. Since I already have a 
> full local cygwin installation, it is possibly skipping the 
> needed libraries since it thinks I have them already. Well, I 
> do, but they are not in the local directory that I am going 
> to deploy to my remote pc.
> Does anyone know how to do a minimal installation (ie sub 
> 60mb) that works?
> --
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-                                                               -
- Jason Pyeron                      PD Inc. http://www.pdinc.us -
- Principal Consultant              10 West 24th Street #100    -
- +1 (443) 269-1555 x333            Baltimore, Maryland 21218   -
-                                                               -
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