On 4/2/2010 6:31 PM, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> I maintain a local repository of Cygwin (IOW I download to a local
> directory and then install from there). I let others use my repository.
> I want to make it such that OpenSSH and rxvt are installed by default
> but when they run setup.exe and point it to my repository OpenSSH and
> rxvt are set to skip by default. How do I change that.
> (I would research this first myself but right now I can't. Sorry).

Write a batch file which runs setup.exe using its command line options
to point to your repository, select the additional packages, and run
silently.  I did this with success using a full mirror hosted internally
at the company for which I work.  You should be able to do something
similar using your local repository; however, a full repository is nice
to have too. :-)


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