On 2010-04-07 01:06, Tim McDaniel wrote:
 From Google searches and some experience, it appears that it's a
long-standing situation that, if you run the mysql.exe client program
under mintty or rxvt from Cygwin, then mysql figures that it's not on
an interactive terminal and therefore does not prompt. Is there yet
any workaround other than simply using cmd.exe instead? (In mintty,
BTW, "cmd /c mysql ..." doesn't prompt, presumably for the same reason
that mysql alone doesn't prompt.)

When I run cygwin inside a TakeCommand shell, I do get a working mysql client program. You might want to check it out (it's a commercial app, however), see http://jpsoft.com/ Also, I see that the just released beta of MySQL Workbench has a proper command interpreter now, another option you might be interested in.

- Eric Lilja

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