Andrew P. wrote:
> Mingw64 is for compiling x64 Windows applications.
> As there no possibilities to run Linux_x86_64 applications under Windows, so
> far as I'll try to compile they for Windows x64

What x86-64-specific applications are you talking about? The vast
majority of applications compile and run both on x86 and x86-64 Linux,
and plenty of other architectures as well, for that matter. If
anything, you're still more likely to find apps that work on x86 but
not on x86-64, rather than the other way round. So chances are, your
app will compile and run on Cygwin.

> (though it should lead to
> loss in relative productivity approximately on a quarter because of worse
> Windows architecture).

What? Do you mean because of the different APIs on Windows? Well, yes,
that would require extra work, although quantifying that as a quarter
a seems rather arbitrary.


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