"Larry Hall (Cygwin)" <reply-to-list-only...@cygwin.com> writes:

[snipped 8 lines]

>>>> montage: unable to read font
>>>> `/usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.4.0/config//usr/share/fonts/corefonts/arial.ttf'.
>>>>                                   ^^^^

[snipped 10 lines]

> You haven't mentioned yet whether this file exists and is accessible.

There's no such file in my installation.  Should it be there?

http://cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/package-grep.cgi?grep=arial.ttf didn't give
any package either.

And this is how I run the program. 

#merge the images together
montage `ls $OUTDIR/${base_filename}*.png`  -geometry 100x100% -frame \
5 -tile 2x3 $OUTDIR/${base_filename}_merged.png

I'm not sure why it should be asking for the font then.


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