I am trying to build PowerPC development tools using crosstool-ng in Cygwin. I have successfully build a toolchain in Linux with crosstool-ng but have not been successful in Cygwin. I get through many of the steps but it fails on CT_DoExecLog when building the final compiler. It appears to fail on java so I disabled that. Then it failed on DUMA and when I disabled that, it failed on ncurses.

I've tried version 1.6.1 and 1.7.0 of crosstoll-ng and two different PowerPC configurations.

I am not sure how to diagnose the problem. Crosstool-ng is a complex set of scripts. Has anyone used it successfully with Cygwin?

I am using the latest version of Cygwin on a Dell Inapiron 1464 with Windows 7 64-bit.


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