On 5/5/2010 7:40 AM, jeanherve.qu...@free.fr wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m working on windows XP with Cygwin, I have download libapr1-devel-1.3.8-1 
> and libaprutil1-devel-1.3.9-1 for use and compile the logger log4cxx from 
> apache.
> Basic functions (basic logger, appender and configuration) works pretty well, 
> but when I decide to use the method 
> log4cxx::PropertyConfigurator::configureAndWatch("logger.conf",timeout) 
> instead of the simple configure( ), I give a undefined reference at linkage.
> This method starts a thread, which periodically watches the conf file to be 
> able to dynamically take change of configuration.
> My first analyze is: the file apr.h define APR_HAS_THREADS to 0 that why the 
> configureAndWatch method is not present in log4cxx.a
> I don’t understand why the apr library isn’t compile with APR_HAS_THREADS set 
> to 1?
> Is there a solution to recompile the apr lib for using more functionality of 
> log4cxx like configureAndWatch and appender ( socketAppender ).

libapr1 has been compiled without thread support for a long time, from
before I inherited the package.

I tried enabling it the last time I spun a release. It built fine, but
some of the tests failed. Most importantly, building subversion against
it produced an unusable subversion executable. Apparently, the build
process for subversion detects a threaded libapr1 and does some
different things, and these completely break subversion on Cygwin.

Frankly, I don't have the time or the knowledge to debug the threading
in libapr1. You can try to enable it if you want to experiment. As I
recall, it requires a pretty simple patch to configure.in, although I
don't have it anymore.

I'd be happy to take any patches you create to get threading in libapr1

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

        "Wouldn't it be wonderful if real life supported control-Z?"

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