> From: Dale Stimson
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 14:13
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: Reading /proc/registry/... returns extra char
> Reading a file under /proc/registry returns an extra character at the
> end,
> which appears to be the null character.
> This has happened for every registry entry that I have tried.  Here  is
> one in particular:
> --------------------------------
> $ cat >a.dat
> /proc/registry/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Syst
> emBootDevice

Not only that, but if you pipe that output to another process, you
(or should I say "I") get a stack dump:

Cygwin> ls
Cygwin> cat 
Cygwin> ls
Cygwin> cat 
 | head
Cygwin> ls

It seems to be reliably repeatable.

--Ken Nells

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