Matthias Meyer wrote:

> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> On May  6 10:41, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> On May  5 21:15, Matthias Meyer wrote:
>>> > Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> > > Otherwise, the only difference as far as I can see is the fact that
>>> > > the user token attrib inherited from the Cygwin shell has more user
>>> > > rights
>>> > > enabled.  Namely the backup and restore rights, which allows to
>>> > > access
>>> > > files and directories which are not available by default.  However,
>>> > > this only works in an elevated shell, too.
>>> > > 
>>> > > However, it's not Cygwin's fault that attrib is not up to speed with
>>> > > circular symlinks on an OS which allows them.
>>> > > 
>>> > It seems to be the backup and restore rights. I can run a cmd as
>>> > administrator and attrib don't run into the endless loop.
>>> > Also I can run sh from a normal user and attrib will work right.
>>> > Only if I run attrib within a process with the backup and restore
>>> > rights attrib will run into this endless loop :-(
>>> There's a workaround for you, the cygdrop tool, part of the cygutils
>>> package.
>>> Here's an example:
>>>   elevated bash$ cd /cygdrive/c/Users/All\ Users
>>>   elevated bash$ attrib Desktop
>>>       HR       C:\ProgramData\Desktop
>>>   elevated bash$ attrib Desktop\\Cygwin.lnk
>>>   A            C:\ProgramData\Desktop\Cygwin.lnk
>>>   elevated bash$ cygdrop -p SeBackupPrivilege
>>>   /cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/attrib -p Desktop\\Cygwin.lnk File not
>>>   found - Desktop\Cygwin.lnk
>>> Unfortunately you have to use the full path to attrib to make it work
>>> since cygdrop doesn't perform a path search.
>> Sorry about that.  It appears I just stumbled over a Cygwin bug in terms
>> of casesensitivity when using the execp family of functions.  Just
>> calling `cygdrop -p SeBackupPrivilege attrib' without full path should
>> be fine, but it only works on systems which are not configured for
>> casesensitivity.  I'll fix that in CVS.
>> Corinna
> Thank you very much. I will try it after solving my feature number one
> (cursor/backspace) ;-)
> br
> Matthias

cd /cygdrive/c
cygdrop -p SeBackupPrivilege attrib /S /D

works like a charme :-)

Thanks a lot
Don't Panic

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