On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:35:17PM -0400, Gregg Levine wrote:
>Now I can just see CGF posting "Why the <expletive deleted!> are you
>bothering us with this?" (Yes I know you would not probably use foul
>language online, but, ah, sometimes people do some darned strange
>things in e-mail, and then want to have it removed, despite the
>archiving rules of the list.)

You probably should reread that paragraph a couple of times and see if
it actually makes any sense to you.  Read it out loud to someone to see
if they can explain the logic.  Go ahead.  I'll wait.


I didn't think so.

>My reason is that they are building the binaries with Cygwin tools and
>redistributing the appropriate run-time libraries.

You reasons don't make sense.  If that is the case then go back to the
place where you got the tools and ask them for help.

>And I am also hoping that someone familiar with Ant has collided with
>these problems before and can offer suggestions. My next step will be
>to badger the people at  the Ant site to offer clews. And also works
>with the Arduino family.

Bingo.  And, unless you're talking about the cords used to suspend
a hammock it's "clues", not "clews".

Must... resist... further... comment...


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