Hi all,

I recently had to re-install my Windows 2000 Pro after my registry got
corrupted and I couldn't boot at all.
I was running versions of Cygwin before 1.5.25 with no problem; I'd enjoyed
3 years of Cygwin use without any issues.

Once I did the re-install, I found that Cygwin versioned up to 1.7.*; I
tried 1.7.5-1.
When trying to run programs (such as uni2ascii, eggdrop, pine), I ran into a
slew of FORK errors.

The most common was when I ran Eggdrop:

1009572 [main] eggdrop.exe-1.6.19 1824
C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\32-sb6\eggdrop.exe-1.6.19: *** fatal error -
couldn't release memory 0xF04000(1032192) for
'C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\32-sb6\modules-1.6.19\blowfish.dll' alignment,
Win32 error 487

1014630 [main] eggdrop 1728 fork: child 1824 - died waiting for dll loading,
errno 11

I receive this about 100 times (many screen fulls) involving various DLLs
(dns.dll, blowfish.dll, ...). The process does
start-up ultimately; any function within those programs that calls up FORK
gives me similar errors again (asking a bash script that uses uni2ascii to
dump a text file)..

I've even gone back to "legacy" 1.5.25, only to have the exact same results
(no difference) in both DOS & Unix modes (LF vs CRLF).

In all my searching, the ONLY things I could find that had anything to do
with this error [that had any value to my situation] were:

(1) REBASEALL via:
      1. Run Cygwin’s setup.exe and install the rebase package.
      2. At the Windows cmd line, run \cygwin\bin\ash
      3. At the ash prompt, run /bin/rebaseall
      4. If necessary, run REBASEALL a second or third time

(2) descriptions found at:

Nothing I read fixes the issue at all; it keeps occuring. I've even run
REBASEALL a few dozen times (literally) thanks to copy/paste. REBASE[ALL]
doesn't fix the problem.

Is there any information as to changes in how FORKing occurs from older
Cygwin releases (presumably cygwin1.dll) to how it's currently handled? Is
there a setting (perhaps in the Registry) that functions as a work-around?

I've done plenty of research; I can't find the answer. Hopefully, I've met
the "don't ask dumb questions, do your own homework for simple stuff"
requirements and can get some help with this issue.

~ Mai Mizuno, now suffering from tired eyes, Google Hands, and split ends
~ I don't use PGP; who the hell would want to impersonate ME?! ~

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