On Jun 23 15:04, Yaakov S wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-06-23 at 15:55 -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> > I've opted for using the union of previous and curr requirements but
> > that's not really too great either.  This is one of many places where
> > we could use a real package manager.
> And you're not the only one.  The problem with that is it can pull in
> old libraries which (if nothing else depends on them) are simply not
> necessary, and e.g. on my system, ImageBase real estate is at a premium.
> Here's a radical question: do we really need to allow for multiple
> versions of every package?  Other distros don't do this, why should we?

Fedora does, for instance, as soon as packages have been updated at
least once.  There's always a way to go back to the previous package,
which is rather helpful if a package shows strange behaviour after an
update.  Happened to me the week before with a package in F13.


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