On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 02:41:12PM -0400, Lee Rothstein wrote:
>On 6/24/2010 11:37 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>Is there a problem with gnomecanvas2 package?
>> setup.exe hasn't changed since April so it's hard to see how any problem
>> you'd be having would be related to anything other than your local
>> network configuration.
>I wasn't suggesting there was anything wrong with setup.
>Perhaps a problem with one or more packages?

Maybe you weren't but since packages are just a stream of bytes if
setup.exe stops downloading them it isn't the package's fault.  It's
setup.exe's.  Since lots of people are downloading packages, and since
packages are just a stream of bytes that get copied to disk, the problem
still points to an issue on your side if a download stops halfway

"Your side" might be something as simple as bad connectivity with the
mirror that you've chosen so trying another mirror would make sense.

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