On 30 May 2010 07:00, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 11:32:23PM +0100, Andy Koppe wrote:
>>There's also another issue with the ^Z not taking effect immediately
>>due to signal handling being disabled while mintty waits for Windows
>>events, but that would require some fairly major restructuring to fix,
>>so leaving that for later.

Fixed in mintty 0.8-beta1, now available from mintty.googlecode.com.

>> Looking at rxvt, the right thing to do is a
>>select() on the pty device and /dev/windows instead of mintty's
>>current approach using multiple threads and
> ...assuming that still works.  I wonder if anyone has used that
> interface in the last few years.
> But, then, I dunno.  Maybe rxvt uses it.

Yep, rxvt does use /dev/windows; I double-checked via /proc/<id>/fd.
XWin uses it too. It allowed getting rid of quite a bit of complexity
in mintty's I/O handling code.


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