Hey everyone,

I have a .po file I created and I wanted to translate that into a java
ResourceBundle properties file.
There is a util to do that via something like:
msgfmt --java2 -d . messages_fr_FR.po

But i got an error saying to set JAVAC or install gcj...

javac is in my java/bin PATH env variable, and in cygwin I can
standalone call javac fine... just seems like cygwin's msgfmt has
trouble calling it...

I read this tutorial http://xmlguru.cz/2006/10/saxon-gettext which is
only webpage i see related to my problem so i did as the steps said.
I created a wrapper javac.sh file like state and exported JAVAC in my
.bashrc ... I re-ran and got the following message:
msgfmt: /home/ahojat/bin/javac.sh subprocess failed

Not sure whats wrong, i tried pointing to my 1.5 and 1.6 jdk javac.

Anyone can help to get this function working?


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