On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 01:26:03PM -0400, Andrew Schulman wrote:
>>On Aug 19 11:23, Andrew Schulman wrote:
>>>What is the status of http://cygwin.com/bugzilla?  It appears to have
>>>been in use at least last year.
>>>Provisional effort?  Occasionally used?  Useful, not useful?
>>Not used for Cygwin, right now.
>CGF was using it at least a little bit last year:
>http://cygwin.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=10928 .  But it doesn't seem
>to be used much.
>That installation appears to be for everything in sourceware.org, with
>a few Cygwin categories.  It's too hard to use for Cygwin in that form,
>IMO.  I guess I need to talk to the sourceware admins about whether a
>separate instance could be provided for Cygwin.

I'm one of the sourceware admins.

We're not going to set up a separate bugzilla entry for Cygwin, or at
least we won't be doing it until I'm convinced this is actually going to


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