On Aug 20 16:21, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> * Thorsten Kampe (Fri, 20 Aug 2010 15:38:26 +0200)
> > I reinstalled vim and got the exact same message again ("Unable to 
> > extract /usr/bin/vi -- the file is use."). A simultaneous process 
> > monitor log shows that CreateFile operations result in "DELETE PENDING" 
> > ("Desired Access: Read Control, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse 
> > Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: 
> > n/a"). Clicking two times on Retry (without changing anything else) 
> > let's the installation continue.
> > 
> > I ran Process Explorer and it looks like zsh has handles open to vi, 
> > vim, view and vimdiff - although these executables are definitely not 
> > running.
> Okay, coming closer (and getting weirder):

Not weird at all.  I could track this down to a point in Cygwin where
it neglects to close a handle to a symlink when instructed to follow
symlinks to their target.  I checked in a patch.  Please test the DLL
I uploaded at

  (md5sum compressed   5eab6680538279206bf23c54244825d2)
  (md5sum uncompressed e4833a601edad1571a9c6e0352a8e381)

which contains the fix.  This should not leave the stray handles to
vi, vim, etc in zsh.  And the side-effect should be that setup.exe
does not complain anymore in the original scenario.


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