On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 02:12:18PM -0400, Rob Napier wrote:
>Just another datapoint. On XP SP1 + Cygwin 1.3.13-2, here's what I get
>whenever something tries to fork:
>bash-2.05b$ ls
>      8 [main] bash 3952 fixup_mmaps_after_fork: base address fails to match req
>uested address 0xBD0000
>c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe: *** recreate_mmaps_after_fork_failed
>    122 [main] bash 4068 sync_with_child: child 3952(0x724) died before initiali
>zation with status code 0x1
>   8269 [main] bash 4068 sync_with_child: *** child state child loading dlls
>bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
>Reverting back to Cygwin 1.3.12-4 fixes everything.

Is there some reason you're refusing to try a snapshot?

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