I can confirm that snapshot 1.3.14s(0.62/3/2) 20021017 21:45:13 does indeed
fix this problem for me.

Mike Lerwill

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:cygwin-owner@;cygwin.com]On Behalf
> Of Christopher Faylor
> Sent: 18 October 2002 02:59
> Subject: Re: ssh refuses to enter binmode. WinCVS problem explained? Try
> a snapshot!
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 05:50:09PM -0400, Andrew Greene wrote:
> >I upgraded to the latest cygwin this morning (not sure when I last
> >did) and ssh is suddenly replacing LF with CRLF. This prevents Unison
> >from working, along with who knows what else (I'm afraid to try CVS!)
> That's interesting.  Corinna apparently built ssh with textmode.o.
> Cygwin 1.3.13 honors that when opening files at the "dos prompt" and so
> output will always have CRLF line endings.  This probably explains the
> problems with WinCVS.
> I can guess why ssh is linked with textmode.o but I don't know why it
> isn't eventually setting its standard output appropriately.  I would
> have expected it do do so.  Hmm.  If only there was some source I could
> consult about this...
> Anyway, I've checked in a patch that may or may not be temporary.  I'll
> have to talk to Corinna and decide.
> In the meantime, I've uploaded a new snapshot which works around this
> problem.  Please try downloading it.
> http://cygwin.com/snapshots/
> You may have to hit refresh your browser to get the latest snapshot
> since there has been more than one snapshot generated today.
> cgf
> --
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