Hello Cygwin community!

I try to install Gentoo Prefix onto Cygwin. My goal is to get a second
level administration tool, that I can run on Mac, Windows and Linux
from the userspace.

This way I can customize the environment for any software project in a
platform independent way. That is especially usefull for projects that
depend on multiple tools. While a single tool is often platform
independent (java), the whole stack often is not.

At least you need to install different types of binaries. That results
in an overhead of organization for typical projects. My approach is to
automatically compile from the same sources instead. The Gentoo Prefix
sources are platform independent.

Meanwhile I spend a week of research. If you are interested in my
results you will always find the current status here:

As the cygwin project has already solved many issues that I will run
into, I will come back with some questions and hope to find advice
from Cygwin developers.


Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ:                   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation:         http://cygwin.com/docs.html
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