On 09/02/2010 02:06 PM, Al wrote:
I first compiled coreutils without the cygwin patch. It did compile
but afterwards the compilation of findutils, etc. was broken. For
example configure.status of wget was truncated at the top and out of
order at the bottom. That stopped all further efforts of mine.

Now I applied that big patch.

How? The only supported way of building coreutils for cygwin is by using setup.exe to download the sources and several prerequisite tools (cygport, autoconf, ...), then using 'cygport coreutils-8.5-1 prep make'. Other ways work, but I won't support them on this list. See also /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/coreutils.README.

copy.c complaints an error of an undefined reference ot
'cygwin_spelling'. Guess that is a library I have to install.

Sounds like you didn't run autoreconf (which would have been done automatically via the supported mechanism).

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
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