On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 03:52:55PM -0300, Ramiro Polla wrote:
>On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Al <oss.el...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Others report that they don't use Cygwin because of instablilities,
>> especially in the server context.
>I've also been having "instabilities" in my "server context" (Windows
>Server 2008 R2), but I have a few more concrete details:

Ok.  Two reports of "instabilities".  And what does that show?

Here are the OP's original questions:

What are the reasons?

Dave theorized about one.

Will this be better with Windows 7?


Can Cygwin become "server stable"?

It depends on what is meant by "become".  If it means will there be a concerted
effort to "harden" Cygwin for a server then the answer is likely "not unless
someone pays for it."

That points back to paying Red Hat for support.


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