Since upgrading to cygwin 1.7 recently I have been experiencing sporadic failures of cygwin tcsh initialization: when opening new shell terminals (I start Cygwin using mintty.exe -e /bin/tcsh) they sometimes hang indefinitely. I have the same cygwin setup installed on two computers (both with Windows XP SP3 32bit), and both of them are experiencing this with different frequencies: for the faster, dual-core PC it happens very rarely, but on the slower, single-CPU one the hanging was almost constant, and disabling my .cshrc script didn't help at all. Using ProcessExplorer I noticed that the hanging tcsh process was also spawning 'cut' and 'sed' processes hanging there (sometimes just one of them, other times both were still there). I did have cygwin 1.7.7-1 at the time I was investigating this, and I was able to isolate the problem to this particular block in the /etc/profile.d/complete.tcsh script:

    if ( -r "$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" ) then
         set f=`cat "$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" | cut -f 1 -d \ ` >& /dev/null
set f=`cat "$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" | cut -f 1 -d \ | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` >& /dev/null
         set hosts=($hosts $f)

I do have quite a large list of hosts in the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file and I want to keep that way. However, in order to prevent tcsh from hanging I had to comment out the block above. Note that on the other, faster PC there was no need to do the same (even though the known_hosts file is about the same size), so my suspicion is that in tcsh with 1.7 there are some issues with pipe handling, perhaps a race condition somewhere that triggers more often on slower PCs.


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