
i'm using ssh.exe as my CVS_RSH from eclipse. until today, it worked fine - i would even say perfectly.

but since i installed 1.3.13-2 the response from the CVS-server seems to get modified.
i cannot installed 1.3.13-1 again with the setup.exe, but 1.3.12-4 works, 1.3.13-2 does not. i think that 1.3.13-1 worked also, but i'm not sure if i had 1.3.13-1 installed.

how do programs interact with ssh.exe? do they pipe the data through it?
what has changed since 1.3.13-1 concerning pipes?
(i mean shell pipes, like find |grep test etc.)

eclipse is a native windows-app (java-vm) that calls ssh.exe, don't know if that matters.

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