
Recently I had uninstalled my previous version of cygwin (1.5.24) and
did a fresh install of latest cygwin (

When I tried to recompile my code it failed because of libtermcap.a
not found. This termcap library is needed by my code.

Further investigation shows that this library is missing from this
latest cygwin installer package.

As far as I know, the termcap library is provided under "terminfo" or
the older "termcap" cygwin package.

During my installation, I had included all the "devel" packages.

administra...@engwin03-64dev1 ~
$ cygcheck -c "cygwin"
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
cygwin 1.7.7-1 OK

administra...@engwin03-64dev1 ~
$ cygcheck -c | egrep "ncurses|terminfo|termcap"
libncurses-devel 5.7-18 OK
libncurses10 5.7-18 OK
libncurses8 5.5-10 OK
libncurses9 5.7-16 OK
libncursesw-devel 5.7-18 OK
libncursesw10 5.7-18 OK
ncurses 5.7-18 OK
ncurses-demo 5.7-18 OK
ncursesw 5.7-18 OK
ncursesw-demo 5.7-18 OK
termcap 5.7_20091114-14 OK
terminfo 5.7_20091114-14 OK
terminfo0 5.5_20061104-12 OK

administra...@engwin03-64dev1 ~

Does anyone has faced similar issue?

Meanwhile I am downloading the latest cygwin source code and
planning to recompile it.


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