On 10/8/10, Al <oss.elmar l.com> wrote:
>> Yep, pretty much all of that. It's not what was said (which sounds
>> fine when you paraphrase it as you have), but the way it was said. It
>> was my reaction to reading the thread in one sitting, especially as I
>> thought the OP had good intentions.
> The OP obviously has good intentions, because there is not much to
> gain for him by setting up a forum beyond a lot of work. It's also
> true that the tone is often rough in this forum. There are people with
> an attitude, that I feel they really need medical help or what. It's

So what is the one true proper attitude that is healthy?  ROFL
Do you want a solution or a cheerleader?
( before you TITTTL see comment below)

> true some of the kids never learned to use a mailing list or a news
> list. A forum could help them to access.
> Nonetheless I also see the big disadvantages in splitting and
> scattering the knowlege. A forum as a mere frontend to to access this
> mailinglist would be much more helpfull than a parallel forum that
> splits the community. If you have a question, you need to turn to two
> different locations in future, which isn't usefull either.

I have actually thought of starting my own forum for a different
field after contacting the site that inspired my interest, they had no
interest in a forum. My idea was something like wikipedia with
more prominence to the discussion and somewhat different entries.
If you could make a cygwin wikipedia, with pages related to
topics, perhaps questions posted to list could shape the entries
with the responses to related questions pointed to from the main article,
perhaps that could add value. Google however does reasonably well
extracting mail list archives, but I have found that often
information gets fragmented - you can find a message with "thanks that
worked' but then you have to hunt for question since someone edited it out
to save space. A top posted "thanks" with question and answer below could
actually be the best post for future googlers.  FWIW.

You go cygwin, you go.

> Al

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