On 10/11/2010 03:01 PM, Al wrote:
I wasn't aware that is so specific for the gentoo build tools. Yes,
there it is a central environment variable.

Why did gentoo need to invent it?  And does it have any documentation?

Instead your posting became the origin of the official $CHOST setting
for  Gentoo/Cygwin. :-)

Oh, so you're worried more about a cross-compilation environment hosted on gentoo, rather than something directly pertaining to cygwin.

Do the gentoo folks not follow upstream development of the GNU config project?


is the latest and greatest config.guess program that should be shared by all GNU software. And while not all packages ported to cygwin are GNU software, there is a large number of non-GNU packages that also uses GNU config.guess and friends to base decisions on.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
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