On 10/21/2010 1:22 AM, Cyrille Lefevre wrote:

> seems to work here ! even on cpan.1 generated from pod2man...

Just curious, what part of 'man2pdf' did you run that indicates
that it works on your system? (Commands and options, would be
most helpful.)

> do you have bash-completion, if yes, get rid of it and try again.

Bash completion is installed on my system but never loaded; i.e.,
/etc/bash_completion is not sourced in '~/.bashrc', or
'~/.profile', or anywhere else.

Why do you think this is the cause of the problem?

You might be combining two parts of my report in a
misleading way. The slowdown was due to the errant Bash
sessions not the cause of them. A reboot eventually returned
the system to its normal sluggish state (for Cygwin on a 64-bit
version of Windoze). Or, what don't I understand?

  $ time bash -i -c echo

  real    0m0.683s
  user    0m0.015s
  sys     0m0.186s

  $ time bash -c echo

  real    0m0.342s
  user    0m0.015s
  sys     0m0.062s

I'm more inclined to believe that it has something to do with

  * the "extreme" number of processes generated by:
    'mkperlmanpdfs'/'man2pdf' and interaction possibly with a
    'bash' bug
  * corrupt fonts in Windows or Cygwin that 'man'/'groff' is
    "barfing" on.

WRT the font "issue" (real or imagined on my part), I'm unclear
on whether Cygwin can use Windows TT fonts for things like
'groff', and X windows rendering. (I would like to know, for
example, how to specify which fonts to 'enscript'.)
*But*, *I know I don't know what I'm talking about and that's why
I asked the Cygwin list.*

> PS : where do you find the Club-G package ?

The Club-G (TM) scripts are an interdependent set that I wrote,
which will be published, RSN, on OpenEnterprise.org/Club-G.
"Club-G" (TM), BTW, stands for:

    GNU -- largely, the embodiment, personification, and
                     repository for all the best aggregate wisdom of the

           (The weasel word, "largely", is *largely* due to 'info'
                     vs 'man'! Every man [not 'man'] has his hamartia, and
                     RSM's is, IMHO, 'info'! 'info' is definitely one
                     "cathedral" that's bizarre!)  ;-)

> Cyrille Lefevre



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