On 10/31/2010 6:00 AM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
--- Dom 31/10/10, Nigel Hardy  ha scritto:

When I try to start my new emacs
under X from bash, I get complete silence. This happens with
"emacs" and directly with "emacs-X11.exe".
"emacs-nox.exe" starts up fine.

I have just upgraded to emacs 23.2-3 (from, I believe a 22
version - I have no record of what was replaced).

I am running cygwin 1.7.7 as follows:

    bash-3.2$ uname -a
    CYGWIN_NT-6.0 pcpnwh 1.7.7(0.230/5/3)
2010-08-31 09:58 i686 Cygwin

I am running Vista with all patches as far as I can tell.

I have tried returning to emacs 23.2-1 but that shows the
same (lack of) behaviour. I fear that I am guilty of
ignoring an earlier error. I was on an old version of emacs
because I had a problem a while back which I solved quickly
by returning to an earlier version. That earlier version is
now not available directly from set up so I have got

I don't even know where to start with diagnosing what is
happening. Any suggestions?

start here
Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html

It seems a dll missing problem

Two further suggestions for the OP. First, run 'cygcheck /usr/bin/emacs-X11.exe' to see if it reports a missing dll. Second, try running emacs-X11 in a non-X terminal (like mintty).


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