--- Mar 16/11/10, Brian Wilson  ha scritto:

> I've been following several of the
> recent message threads dealing with setup 
> user issues.  Knowing that I've had a few of the
> symptoms reported I did a 
> search and found about 26 *.new files in my cygwin
> instance.  I decided that the 
> best solution was to remove the *.new files, reboot my
> system into safe mode 
> with networking and try to reinstall all applications.
> This cleaned up a lot of issues; however I now have a
> persistent message when I 
> do updates:
> Package: No package
>     passwd-grp.sh exit code 1
> I don't see a package named passwd-grp or anything similar
> (hence the "No 
> package" message I presume).  Is this an obsolete
> package?  How do I get rid of 

it is in the base-passwd


as only postinstall script

> this message?  Cygcheck output attached.  My
> system is Windows XP SP3 latest 
> patches, running Apache 2 and sshd under Cygwin. 
> Please note I have McAfee 
> Total Protection, not Zone Alarm as reported (never had ZA
> on my system).
> Your sage advise would be much appreciated or great oracles
> of Cygwin. :)
> Sincerely,
> Brian S. Wilson

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