On Mar  9 20:29, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Am 09.03.2011 10:26, schrieb Corinna Vinschen:
> >That's certainly feasible in some way, but I don't understand what
> >you're trying to accomplish.  In what situation would this have to be
> >changed on a per-system level?  Why isn't it sufficient that the
> >user can change it in the own user profiles?
> For example if cygwin is still installed on a FAT drive (I know ...)
> it may be useful (for all users) to switch /tmp to an NTFS directory
> (e.g. XWin used to fail with a FAT /tmp for a while).

If you really do this, you're doing something wrong in my opinion.
But, point taken.

David, any problem to create tmp.sh and tmp.csh in profile.d for this

Anyway, after that change it's really time to start using the new
base-files package.  It's pending already too long, IMHO.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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