On May 10 07:23, ironsand wrote:
> Hi
> I write a script using windres.exe and want to distribute it.

I assume you are aware that all these tools including Cygwin are under
the GPL and so you have to provide the sources of all tools and DLLs
together with the binaries, right?

> But I couldn't find which files schould I include in my package.
> [...]
> I know if I install cygwin from setup.exe to Vista, then I can use
> windres.exe.
> But I don't want to let all users to install cygwin. 
> Is there someone who knows how to include windres.exe in a software without
> installing cygwin? %-|

You can't.  Windres is a Cygwin tool using the Cygwin DLL.  Gcc is a
Cygwin tool using the Cygwin DLL.  Either you provide *all* the stuff
required to run the script (and don't forget to provide the sources as
well), or you let the user install Cygwin via setup.exe.  This is the
preferred method anyway.


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