On 29/04/2011 2:35 PM, John Dong wrote:
Reproducing this seems nondeterministic -- sometimes I can get it to
happen in 5 minutes, other times it takes overnight. I've tried using
a different shell (like dash), but it doesn't make a difference,
leading me to suspect this to be a lower-level issue within the
Cygwin DLL. It also seems to not happen for non-zero exit codes (e.g.
checking that exiter.exe 1 returns 1 always seems to succeed), though
I'm not 100% confident that I've tested this thoroughly enough.

Again, I've not been able to reproduce this under Windows XP using
any version of Cygwin, but I have been able to reproduce it on both
32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7. I'm not running anything special on this
machine -- it's a fresh install of Windows 7 Professional, just with
Cygwin installed.

FWIW, we've been running into this as well. It appears to NOT be a problem with Cygwin 1.5 on Windows 7. It only started happening on Cygwin 1.7. As a result, we haven't had a reliable Windows 7 build machine for a while now because we use a Cygwin gmake process that compiles with MSVC.


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