On 2011-06-09 21:26, Edward McGuire wrote:

#include <sys/time.h>
 time_t now;
 printf ("\nCygwin Configuration Diagnostics\n");
 time (&now);
 printf ("Current System Time: %s\n", ctime (&now));

It's using C RTL calls. And cygcheck(1) is linked with msvcrt.dll,
not GNU, and therefore cygcheck(1) has Microsoft C RTL behavior.
Microsoft C RTL does not support the pathname syntax extension;
that's a GNU thing.

Exactly. That's why i suggested to use the UTC time zone (rather than
an implicit local one), which msvcrt.dll probably is able to provide
with no bug.

We also could go a little bit beyond cgf's suggestion in
(to use `date(1)') and remove completely the
`Current System Time:' line in `cygcheck -s'. Already,
this time indication is not given under the
other cygcheck's options.


Denis Excoffier.

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