On 6/14/2011 1:33 PM, Lee Maschmeyer wrote:
Are you saying that /usr/share/zoneinfo isn't the standard location for all time zone data? And that paths within that directory aren't standard values for TZ? If not, what is?
There are two standards in play. The UNIX standard recognizes CET-1CEST. The zoneinfo standard recognizes Europe/Monaco. All UNIX systems implement the UNIX standard; many implement zoneinfo also. The GNU CRTL implements both. The Windows CRTL implements the UNIX standard (actually it implements a subset) but does not implement zoneinfo.
If it is the case that that directory is not known to cygcheck then it seems to me that it ought to be.
You could link cygcheck to the GNU CRTL instead of the Windows CRTL, but that defeats cygcheck's purpose.

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