Am 08.08.2011 10:14, schrieb Andrey Repin:
> Greetings, Sven Köhler!
>>> alias vpnup='exec sudo openvpn --config $HOME/config/client.vpn --writepid 
>>> /tmp/ &'
>>> that's where his problem began, IMO.
>> I don't know, why you pointed that out. It's of no use to feed a path
>> like $HOME/something to a pure win32 binary.
> You DON'T "feed a path like $HOME/something" !
> The shell that run the script will expand variable before passing it to the
> program.

A win32 (non-cygwin) executable doesn't that /cygdrive/c refers to c:\.
It also doesn't know that /home/bla is actually the same as
c:\cygwin\home\bla. A win32 simply doesn't use cygwin, hence don't know
about the translation from cygwin's POSIX paths to win32 ones.

It turned out, that the OP was not using a cygwin version of openvpn.
So if $HOME is a POSIX (cygwin specific) path, it won't work.

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