
I just installed proftpd packages from cygwin setup on a windows 2008

And here come my problem, my log are filled with error, as soon, a user
connect to proftpd.

Extract of log :
hostname - ProFTPD 1.2.10 standalone mode SHUTDOWN
hostname - ProFTPD 1.2.10 (stable) (built Sat Sep 18 20:19:32 EDT 2004)
standalone mode STARTUP 
hostname - error setting write fd TCP_NOPUSH:
Protocol not available 
hostname - error setting read fd TCP_NOPUSH:
Protocol not available 
hostname ([]) - FTP session
hostname ([]) - PRIVS_USER: unable to
setegid(session.login_gid): Invalid argument 
hostname ([]) - PRIVS_USER: unable to
seteuid(session.login_uid): Invalid argument 
hostname ([]) - USER ftp: Login successful. 
hostname ([]) - error: /var/log is a world writeable
directory hostname ([]) - error: unable to set
groups: Invalid argument 
hostname ([]) - PRIVS_USER:
unable to setegid(session.login_gid): Invalid argument 
hostname ([]) - PRIVS_USER: unable to
seteuid(session.login_uid): Invalid argument 
hostname ([]) - PRIVS_SETUP: unable to setgid():
Invalid argument 
hostname ([]) - PRIVS_SETUP: unable
to seteuid(): Invalid argument 
hostname ([]) - PRIVS_RELINQUISH: unable to
setegid(session.gid): Invalid argument 
hostname ([]) - PRIVS_RELINQUISH: unable to
seteuid(session.uid): Invalid argument 
hostname ([]) - PRIVS_RELINQUISH: unable to
setegid(session.gid): Invalid argument 
hostname ([]) - PRIVS_RELINQUISH: unable to
seteuid(session.uid): Invalid argument 
hostname - error setting write fd TCP_NOPUSH: Protocol not available
hostname - error setting read fd TCP_NOPUSH: Protocol not available

This one "hostname - error setting write fd TCP_NOPUSH: Protocol not
available hostname - error setting read fd TCP_NOPUSH: Protocol not
available" are attended according to documentation. But for the other
(PRIVS_*), I have no clue.

I see that proftpd need a priviled user like openssh
(/usr/share/doc/cygwin/openssh.README), so I replace the local account
by cyg_server created by sshd-host-config, and edit proftpd.conf to
replace User SYSTEM by User cyg_server, Group Administrators untouched.
I chown the ftp root directory from SYSTEM to cyg_server.

But it didn't change anything.

The user's ftp was created in a passwd.ftp, proftpd.conf was set to use
it with this argument :
AuthOrder mod_auth_file.c
AUthUserFile /etc/passwd.ftp

The rest of the config is the one coming from the install minus the
anonymous section after try it (the error was shown already with this
section anyway) and with DefaultRoot ~.

Please, What is wrong in my setup ?

Thanks for your help
Flash Koti

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