On Sat, 2011-12-03 at 02:13 -0500, Matthew Smith wrote:
> After running setup.exe to add a package I noticed something had decided
> to pull in some gnome libraries. As best I can tell its due to libneon27
> requiring libproxy1 though I may be missing something else. I did manage
> to find this regarding libproxy.

The latest libneon27 does require libproxy1-0.4.7, which pulls in only
libglib2.0_0, and I wouldn't count that as "some gnome libraries".

> From http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2010-05/msg00605.html
> >libproxy pulls in these packages as dependencies for its GNOME and KDE
> >integration modules.  libproxy was added as a libsoup-gnome dependency,
> >for which these deps are anyways required.  But if neon is going to use
> >libproxy as well, these modules are not strictly required, so I removed
> >their deps from libproxy0/setup.hint (and from the upcoming libproxy1
> >as well).
> So hopefully nothing else has changed and it's easy to fix.

I'm not sure what your question is here.  There's nothing here to "fix".


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